CIAR Public Exam Result
CIAR Public Exam Result is published more details of CIAR Public Exam Result is published
Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen(Markazudawa)
The Council for Islamic Education and Research (CIER) is a wing of one of the largest Islamic movements in Kerala. The CIER’s work is to prepare books for Islamic Institutions and to train their teachers. Established in 2002. Dr. E.K.Ahmad Kutty, former Head of the Department of Arabic in Calicut University is the founder chairman of the CIER. Other senior members of the CIER’s governing board include Saeed Faruqi,former Chief Instructor of the Government-run Arabic Language Teachers’ Training Institute, Calicut, and N.P.Abdul Ghafoor, former member of the Kerala Government Text books Committee.
General Information: The Islahi movement has created an organizational setup in Kerala in 1922 with the formation of Muslim Aikya Sangham (Organization for Muslim Unity).