Gurukul Mahavidhyalaya, Jwalapur, Hardwar

Gurukul Mahavidhyalaya, Jwalapur, Hardwar


Address: NH 58, Jamalpur Kalan, Haridwar, Uttarakhand 249404
Phone:01334 454 295
The data available with us about Shri Gurukula Mahavidyalaya, Jwalapur, Haridwar is maintained by MHRD under the program ‘All India Survey of Higher Education’. We represent the same facts in a user-friendly way. If you’re looking for more details regarding admission/application forms, syllabus, courses offered, results or examinations schedule, kindly contact the relevant department of the college.

Courses offered by Gurukul Mahavidyalaya Jawalapur, Haridwar

The institute has been running several courses in different disciplines which are being well admired by students and their parents. The major course specialty provided by Gurukul Mahavidyalaya Jawalapur is discussed below:

Bachelor of Education – one year

Candidate must be graduated and a bachelor’s degree holder obtained through the 10+2+3 pattern or a correspondent qualification with a minimum 50% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA of any of the renowned Universities integrated by an act of the central or state government in India. There is a relaxation of 5% aggregate marks for SC/ST category candidates.


Gurukul Mahavidyalaya Jawalapur Admission and course fee

The admission to Gurukul Mahavidyalaya Jawalapur is made through the approved process prescribed by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Similarly, the fees structure of this institute is also laid out by UGC and is worth for money.

Govt. Degree College, Lakshar, Hardwar

Govt. Degree College, Lakshar, Hardwar





College Name Govt. Degree College, Laksar, Haridwar
Location Hardwar Uttrakhand
College Type Affiliated College
University Name Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Univeristy, Srinagar, Garhwal
University Type Central University

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Programmes

  • Arts-Hindi, English,Economics,History,Sociology,Political
  • Science,
  • Science : B.Sc-Physics,Chemistry, Mathes Diploma in Electronics
  • Sc-Chemistry, Zoology, Botany 60-60 Seet
  • Com (Computeraesd Accounting)

Post Graduate Programmes

  • Arts-Hindi, English,Political c,
  • Science : Sc-Chemistry, Botany, Mathes 20-20 Seet

Garg Degree College, Laksar, Haridwaris located in Laksar Haridwaris and has affiliation with Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University. Candidates can collect all major information about Garg Degree College, Laksar Haridwaris such as courses offered, seats availability etc from this article. The information will be useful for candidates while getting admission to this college.
