CBSE Single Girl Students Scholarship
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has invited applications for the award of CBSE merit scholarship to Single Girl Students. The scheme is to provide scholarships to meritorious Single Girl Students, who are the only child of their parents and have passed the CBSE Class X Examination with prescribed marks/ grades and are continuing their further school education of Class XI and XII. All children born together are Single Girl Child of their parents. The scheme is aimed to recognize the efforts of the parents in promoting education among girls and to provide encouragement to meritorious students.
Eligibility to Single Girl Students Scholarship
Applicant should be an Indian National and a girl who should be the only child of their parents. She should have secured 60% / 6.2 CGPA or more marks / grades in CBSE Class X Examination in 2015 and should be studying in Class XI & XII in School, affiliated with CBSE where the tuition fee is not more than Rs. 1,500/- p.m. during the academic year. In the next two years, the total enhancement in tuition fee in the school shall not be more than 10% of the tuition fee charged. NRI applicants of the Board are also eligible for the award.
The tuition fee for the NRIs has been decided at a maximum of Rs. 6,000/- per month. Applicant should continue her school studies in Class XI and XII in school. A Scholar under the scheme can enjoy other concession(s) given by the school in which she is studying/other organization(s), while availing scholarship.
Duration of Single Girl Students Scholarship and Single Girl Students Scholarship renewal
The Scholarship awarded shall be renewed for a period of one year on successful completion of class XI. Renewal shall also depend on promotion to the next class provided the scholar secures 50% or more marks in aggregate in the examination which determines her promotion to next class. The renewal/ continuation of the scholarship, in cases where a scholar gives up the chosen course of study before its completion or changes the school or course of study shall be subject to prior approval of the Board. Good conduct and regularity in attendance are required for continuance of scholarship. A Scholarship once cancelled shall not be renewed under any circumstances.
Rate of Single Girl Students Scholarship and Single Girl Students Scholarship mode of payment
The rate of scholarship shall be Rs. 500/- per month. A Scholarship awarded under the scheme shall be paid for a maximum period of two years. Payment will be made through demand drafts/ECS.
Applicant will have to give the Original Affidavit duly attested by the First Class Judicial Magistrate/ SDM/ Executive Magistrate, as per prescribed format available on the Board’s website. Photocopy of Affidavit will not be accepted.
Application for Single Girl Students Scholarship
Application for fresh scholarship for 2015 from those who have passed the Class X (CBSE) examination in 2015 and applications for renewal in respect of those who secured the scholarship in 2014 can be done online at the, latest by 30th September, 2015.
Hard Copy of the application attested by the School Principal from where the student is pursuing Class XI after passing Class X from Board’s Examination, along with the specified enclosures should reach CBSE by 15th October, 2015.
Single Girl Students Scholarship Website: