Kerala PSC Junior Public Health Nurse Grade 2 Exam Previous Question Paper Part 18

Kerala PSC Junior Public Health Nurse Grade 2 Exam Previous Question Paper Part 18

86 . Which one is not an indication of fetal well being A:-Increase in maternal weight and uterine size according to gestational age
B:-Fetal movements appreciated by mother follows a regular pattern throughout pregnancy
C:-Increase in fetal kicks with increase in gestational age
D:-Fetal heart rate between 110-160 beats per minute pregnancy

Correct Answer

C:-Increase in fetal kicks with increase in gestational age

87 . Hard, swollen and painful breast with stasis of milk is an indication of A:-Breast Engorgement
C:-Breast abscess
D:-Breast infection

Correct Answer

A:-Breast Engorgement

88 . Name the condition when uterus fails to contract in order to compress blood vessals and control bleeding. A:-Inversion of uterus
B:-Cricket ball uterus
C:-Atonic uterus
D:-Hypotonic uterus

Correct Answer

C:-Atonic uterus

89 . Swelling due to collection of fluid in the layers beneath the scalp is called A:-Cephal heamatoma
B:-caput succedaneum
C:-subgaleal hematoma
D:-subdural hamatoma

Correct Answer

B:-caput succedaneum

90 . The largest antero-posterior diameter in a fetal skull is A:-Biparietal diameter
B:-Occipito mental diameter
C:-Suboccipito bregmatic diameter
D:-mento vertical

Correct Answer

D:-mento vertical diameter